Driving around in Lisbon requires a basic knowledge of its traffic rules which are governed by Portugal’s traffic law. Lisbon, like any other Portuguese city, follows a right side driving rule. Drink and drive is illegal and could cause you heavy penalty. Just like any other city, Lisbon makes it compulsory to wear seat belts at all times while driving. In order to avoid getting stuck in traffic jams, try to drive on your side of the road, keep a legal speed limit and follow the basic driving rules. Prefix A is used for Motorways, prefix N is used for minor roads and prefix E designates European routes. 18 is the minimum driving age in the city.
Portugal's national speed limit is 90 km/h. For towns and other built-up areas, it is reduced to 50 km/h. The speed limit increases to 120 km/h on expressways or freeways. The signs along the roads indicate the local speed restrictions.
Make sure you have all of the necessary documents with you at all times while driving in the city. These documents include your drivers license and the insurance documents provided by the car rental company. The police could request for these documents in case you meet with an accident.
The car rental parking area at the Lisbon airport leads directly to the city's busiest roundabout which is the sub-junction of 2nd Circular ring road. So make sure you plan your routes and familiarize yourself with the car before driving out of the car rental parking area.
There are several gas stations near the Lisbon Airport. The BP petrol station is the nearest of all and is located at the last roundabout before the airport. You can reach the station by taking the second exit from 2nd Circular and going all the way around at the roundabout.
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